“Ever wonder where big ideas come from? If you’re a fan of LEGO bricks, eureka moments, or guys with odd mustaches, you really should see this. Great ideas just CL!CK” This is awesome if you have the a few minutes to spend make sure you watch it!
Brokenkites – Touch by Harriet Macdonald from brokenkites on Vimeo.
Awesome music video for Brokenkites, animated and directed by Harriet Macdonald. Enjoy 🙂
I Hate It When
Cool packaging design for garbage bags Stefanie Stalder, New York, via the Packaging of the World
There are times when it’s a source of personal pride not to be a human!
Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson
Runner II
Runner II from Tommy Vad Flaaten on Vimeo.
This an amazing short movie made by Tommy and Markus Vad Flaaten! They drew a total of over 1500 characters, and the result is awesome! Lovely stuff 🙂
Honda Accord Crosstour “Snow Trip”
Honda Accord Crosstour “Snow Trip” from Elastic on Vimeo.
Awesome work by RPA for Honda
3 Chanchitos Multimarket: Crying Babies
Amazing new work from El Garaje Lowe, Lima, Peru for 3 Chanchitos Multimarket, via I believe in advertising