
Freakin Jingle Bells!!! from Mark Pfeffer on Vimeo.

This is quite old, but still very awesome! Jingle bells as you haven’t heard them before 🙂

By Calvin and Hobbes

One of the funniest campaign I have seen recently  by  10 advertising, Belgium via ads of the world

If you are a car freak then you are so going to love this!! All the sounds in this music composition are ACTUAL sounds from the Jeep!! By the very creative Julian Smith, the person behind 25 things I hate about facebook

I am not a big fan of Lady Gaga but this I have to post it is sooooooooo hilarious that you will “shit your pants”! An awesome performance by Sherry Vine directed by Blake Martin!

By Calvin and Hobbes

This is a great example of an agency ripping something they saw on youtube! This time for their Xmas self promo! Another proof that the creative people do not work in ad agency !!! Via adfreak!

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