
Search results for so small

Look Mum! I’m a vandal

by South African artist Freddy Sam via streetartnews

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The random user

haha this is  brilliant!  A vintage intervened mouse that browse internet randomly, without control. A special user who does not attend UX strategies, CTAs, quality content …This small desktop experiment explores the identity on the Internet theories and the “Google Analytics” world. Created by monobo

Welcome to Project Soli

Project Soli is developing a new interaction sensor using radar technology. The sensor can track sub-millimeter motions at high speed and accuracy. It fits onto a chip, can be produced at scale and built into small devices and everyday objects.

An installation where candidates’ heads get bigger and smaller in realtime depending on how they’re doing in the Election race. Featuring the seven candidates who appeared in the first televised debate.Balloon head size is driven by the latest polls and twitter activity, before displaying live election results. Hardware and physical build by Dave Cranmer [] and software by Will Gallia [].


An installation where candidates’ heads get bigger and smaller in realtime depending on how they’re doing in the Election race.

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