
Posts tagged animation

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Drift from mustardcuffins on Vimeo.

This beautiful film was made using a digital stills camera to create a stop motion animation! Amazing just that

Drop Out from Rafael Mayrhofer on Vimeo.
A baby doll struggles with his destiny in a world ruled by Eugenics! This awesome animation was directed by Rafael Mayrhofer! Make sure that you also check its making of video below and Drop out’s home page!

Making Of Drop Out from Rafael Mayrhofer on Vimeo.

BBC Knowledge from Grandchildren on Vimeo.

This an excellent animated advert for the BBC Knowledge channel, by the Three Drunk Monkeys!

Brokenkites – Touch by Harriet Macdonald from brokenkites on Vimeo.

Awesome music video for Brokenkites, animated and directed by Harriet Macdonald. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

Runner II from Tommy Vad Flaaten on Vimeo.

This an amazing short movie made by Tommy and Markus Vad Flaaten! They drew a total of over 1500 characters, and the result is awesome! Lovely stuff ๐Ÿ™‚

Honda Accord Crosstour “Snow Trip” from Elastic on Vimeo.

Awesome work by RPA for Honda

IKAR from Mayki on Vimeo.

This is a mind blowing animation! “Inspired by mythical story about Ikar, it shows eternal desire to be free. But absolut freedom is not achievable..”! You should definitely watch this it is just incredible!

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