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The Black Dog’s Progress from small time inc. on Vimeo.

The sad story of the Black Dog 🙁

Crystal Method’s new video, Drown In The Now (featuring Matisyahu) from their new album Divided By Night.

This is one of the best animations I’ve seen in a long time. A simple idea that is extremely well executed and has a point to make…and does it with a simple but yet very effective manner. Just brilliant via Seventyseven

Brilliant work for Mobypicture. With Mobypicture you can share your adventures instantly. You can easilly upload pictures, sound, text and video’s and Mobypicture will share them with you’re online social networks! Music by: Christiaan Lippmann, Sounddesign: Robin Schlösser @Studio de Keuken, via I believe in advertising

‘Catwalk – Black Cat Crossing’ is a humorous animated short film that takes the viewer into a
lovely and detailed designed comic city.

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