Adorable little video created by Ariel Belziti
Posts tagged tumblrize
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Your Drums, Your Love
An addictive track by AlunaGeorge
Its not safe anywhere!
via padek
The History Of Graphic Design
A bit old Via businessinsider
Cosby Watches Cosby
The Huxtables watch the unwatchable: late season episodes of “The Cosby Show.” Brought to you by @DianeBullock and @mcs212.
re-movie posters
A cute little blog that recreates movie posters by removing one letter from their titles 🙂 Go check it out here! Via the highdefinite
EVERYDAY HULK: in the bathroom
What kinda things get Bruce Banner angry on an ordinary day. Watch and see. Written, Directed and Animated by David Stodolny.