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In our careers and in our work, we can only get a few things right, so we need to choose what we focus on purposefully. More importantly, we need to choose things that are different from our peers. This is our competitive advantage and it is what can propel us to success.

In this 99U talk, Behance co-founder Scott Belsky shares how companies like Apple and Southwest Airlines use this strategy to ensure long term success. But finding your competitive advantage is only step one, the world changes quickly, and just as fast as you find your niche, you should be looking for another one.
“Self-awareness,” says Belsky, “is the only sustainable competitive advantage you can find.”

Scott Belsky: What Are You Willing to Be Bad At? was originally published on The Curious Brain

How you start a conversation with a stranger depends on where you live. The diverse geography of American greetings—from Honolulu to Hays, Kansas, from Anchorage to Appleton, Wisconsin, from New Orleans to New York.Based on research and writing by Deborah Fallows. Video from from The Atlantic. Someone needs to do that for Europe, maybe for the whole globe 🙂

An examination of the constant technological change over the past sixty years. Humankind has a love affair with the new and the rate at which new technology has been advancing, particularly in recent years, renders older devices- such as the rotary dial telephone- completely useless. These old technological machines now seem like strange and primitive tools to a society dependent upon the latest Apple products. Evolution always wins out in the end, so what will the future bring next? Created by Amy Fletcher

Could this be the new Apple iWatch that has been rumored about? A sneak peak into the future by FinalCutKing

“Nothing of me is original. I am the combined effort of everyone I’ve ever known.”

“The universe is made of stories, not atoms.”

“Growth for growth’s sake is the ideology of the cancer cell.”

More to see over mappleton

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