
Search results for color

Massive Attack-Splitting the Atom-directed by Edouard Salier from edouard salier on Vimeo.

The wonderful Massive Attack, directed by Edouard Salier

Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.

This is just breathtaking but make sure you watch it all … “A fleeting moment between two strangers, revealing their brief connection in a hyper real fantasy” !!Directed by Arev Manoukian and produced by spyfilms! Make sure that you also see the making of video below

Making Of Nuit Blanche from Spy Films on Vimeo.

Super 8 – 1974 from Jarbas Agnelli on Vimeo.

Jarbas made this awesome music video for the song “Crosses” by José Gonzales, with footage that his father filmed back in 1974! So nostalgic and so perfect !!

macro kingdom from clemento on Vimeo.

Adventures in the macro universe..just beautiful!!

Brokenkites – Archipelago from brokenkites on Vimeo.

You probably already know how much I enjoy the sound of Brokenkites, well this is another awesome song from their album “No Sun So Brightly Shines”. Their amazing music video was filmed & edited by Jason Strain. Enjoy 🙂

Paper Winter 2010 from WillBeRain on Vimeo.

Two weeks only for paper cut, then a month for filming each one of objects, this is the amazing work of WillbeRain

Paper Winter 2010 from WillBeRain on Vimeo.

Two weeks only for paper cut, then a month for filming each one of objects, this is the amazing work of WillbeRain

Paper Winter 2010 was originally published on The Curious Brain

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