
Search results for star wars

Designed by  Wayne Dorrington, via buzzfeed! More Star Wars here
The best thing the internet has ever done! Finally, the crowd-sourced project has been stitched together and put online for your streaming pleasure. The “Director’s Cut” is a feature-length film that contains hand-picked scenes from the entire collection. Video by Casey Pugh

Very very cool. Created by Greg Peltz who works at Pixar. A big thanks to Constadinos for bringing them to my attention. More Star wars here. Via trendland

Very very cool. Created by Greg Peltz who works at Pixar. A big thanks to Constadinos for bringing them to my attention. More Star wars here. Via trendland

Superb!! Designed by Mandy Brencys, via thedieline

If you love Star Wars and typography, then you will find this to be totally awesome! via lenkendall

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