
Search results for color

By combining the color and the depth image captured by the Microsoft Kinect, one can project the color image back out into space and create a “holographic” representation of the persons or objects that were captured! More info about this here

Britta Persson – Toast To M from Bold Faces on Vimeo.

Britta Persson’s second video, directed by Bold Faces! Great stuff!

Caribou – Melody Day from Daniel Eskils on Vimeo.

Lovely new song and video by the incredible Caribou !!Directed by Daniel Eskils ! Enjoy 🙂

Stretta – Calculus from BURNING HEAD on Vimeo.

Calculus directed by Franck Trebillac! This is stunning! The unusual beats of Calculus features a technique called the Risset rhythm (named after Jean-Claude Risset and referencing his work at Bell Labs in the 60’s), and the specific nature of the track left us with wide room for creative experimentation. More info about it here

Using animation, projections and her own moving shadow, Miwa Matreyek performs a gorgeous, meditative piece about inner and outer discovery. Take a quiet 10 minutes and dive in. With music from Anna Oxygen, Mirah, Caroline Lufkin and Mileece. A big thanks to Tom for sending this one over 🙂

Persona from superhumanoids on Vimeo.

This is just superb! The wonderful Superhumanoids, directed Eli Gunn-Jones! Lovely stuff!

LIVE [NIKE] from SomeofmyWork™ on Vimeo.

This is the end result of a Nike sponsored arts based project! Nike supplied individuals with a pair of Nike trainers and asked the people to create a piece that ‘challenged the function of the shoes, using sport as an inspiration’. This is Jim Campbell work and he has done a magnificent job! He filmed shoes in multiple locations and scenarios, across Europe through the summer, including Manchester, London, Paris, Nice, Genova, Milan, Zurich, Frankfurt, Brussels, Edinburgh and Nairn!

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