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levelHead v1.0, 3 cube speed-run (spoiler!) from Julian Oliver on Vimeo.

One of the most impressive augmented-reality games I have ever seen! You can read more about levelHead and how it works here

Overfloating from Rop van Mierlo on Vimeo.

A lovely and very sweet animation by Rop van Mierlo! Amazing 🙂

Lovely drawings from Vania Zouravliov’s online portfolio , via designaside

Sony Bravia’s Eye Candy – (2010) 2:23 (U.S.)

Superfad director Will Hyde creates a colorful vision for Sony BRAVIA HDTV! Inspired by the idea that from one’s imagination anything is possible! Very cool via

Cheap Pop Song from Rhett Dashwood on Vimeo.

Kumisolo, directed by  Rhett Dashwood!! This just made my day what a funny music video this is …lovely stuff 🙂

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