
Search results for flashmob

Oh no yet another flashmob.…enough is enough people pls let flashmobs die!!

The dance collective Bounce came up with the idea and invited the public to a short choreographed session before hitting the streets.More Michael Jackson tribute posts here

The dance collective Bounce came up with the idea and invited the public to a short choreographed session before hitting the streets.More Michael Jackson tribute posts here

Michael Jackson flashmob tribute – Stockholm. was originally published on The Curious Brain

A flashmob , wearing Hammer Pants surprising everybody  in  a trendy store! The american way of doing the T-mobile dance?? I wonder  when this trend is going to fade away?

A flashmob , wearing Hammer Pants surprising everybody  in  a trendy store! The american way of doing the T-mobile dance?? I wonder  when this trend is going to fade away?