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The 2009 results of an annual survey into British online consumer behaviour conducted by Harris Interactive and commissioned by Tealeaf.

Forget-me-not from Camille Marotte on Vimeo.

Lovely work by Camille Marotte for Ralph Lauren! The music you hear is by Matthieu Ouaki

Forget-me-not was originally published on The Curious Brain

by Calvin and Hobbes! Via gocomics

This is a bit old but still very brilliant! There are a few raised eyebrows when Lily Allen and Alan Carr star in their very own advertisement… Haha it is soooooooo hilarious

Nice, minimal, to the point and very viral! All the things your phone doesn’t do, Droid Does

Magic Flashlights from Mike Benson on Vimeo.

I dont know how on earth I managed to miss this one! Its incredible, and dates about a year back! Knife Show Inc and friends uncover a strange phenomenon at Timberline Lodge at Mt Hood. Shot and edited by Mike Benson. Starring Brendan Hayes, Eli weiner, Scott Stevens, Chris Beresford, Matty Mo, Jesse Burtner, and Casey Wrightsman! More info here

Strawberry Swing from Matt Clark on Vimeo.

An alternative video for Coldplay’s Strawberry Swing, Matt did an amazing job!

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