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Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson

Binboa Kendi Şişeni Kendin Yarat Stop Motion Video from Binboa Vodka on Vimeo.

A lovely stop motion advert by Binboa vodka

Born To Be Dead (2010) from Amit Tishler on Vimeo.

A cool animation by Amit Tishler about a cute little girl is banished from heaven straight into the fires of Hell! Enjoy 🙂

New! Gyratory System “Yowser Yowser Yowser” (Reboot) from Alanedit on Vimeo.

Edgy, scary and with awesome special effects the new Gyratory System music video! You will definitely fall in love with it Directed by Alex de Campi.

via quoteskin

Lovely fashion illustrations from Manuel Rebollo’s online portfolio! Go get inspired here! Via vectroave

Relationships are hard 🙂 Brought to you by

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