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INFLUENCERS FULL VERSION from R+I creative on Vimeo.

A few weeks back I posted the trailer about this short documentary that explores what it means to be an influencer and how trends & creativity become contagious today in music and fashion. This is the full version! Written and Directed by Paul Rojanathara and Davis Johnson Enjoy 🙂

Probably fake.. but still lovely to watch!! So uplifting 🙂

via cityofdesire

Lazer Sword – “Beast’s Reprise” from Paul Trillo on Vimeo.

Lazer Sword directed by Paul Trillo!! This is soooo good simply fantastic!

Using animation, projections and her own moving shadow, Miwa Matreyek performs a gorgeous, meditative piece about inner and outer discovery. Take a quiet 10 minutes and dive in. With music from Anna Oxygen, Mirah, Caroline Lufkin and Mileece. A big thanks to Tom for sending this one over 🙂

Stars – He lied about death (Metric remix) from blair neal on Vimeo.

An old Metric remix but nonetheless a wonderful version of an already beautiful song by Stars! The video here is simply amazing an experimental attempt at making a live lo-fi bullet time/stop motion look by Blair Neal!This video was all done live and in one take using 8 different cameras and an automated switches !! Freaking awesome!

Fake or not imagine having one in your home 🙂 You simply connect an iPhone to a large touchscreen table that enables you to control EVERYTHING just like on the phone, only MUCH LARGER! More info about it here

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