Cool illustrations and artworks to discover over at Arian Behzadi’s on-line portfolio! Go get inspired here
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Every Zombie Death in “The Walking Dead”
Landstrider made a supercut of all the zombie deaths that took place in The Walking Dead up until now! It consists of 42 death shots with 37 edit/cuts !! Me and my zombies 🙂
Life is Beautiful
Life is Beautiful from Stephen Niebauer on Vimeo.
A crazy good video by Stephen Niebauer!! Truly fantastic!! Enjoy 🙂
The Move
The Move, Paper Animation from Mandy Smith on Vimeo.
An awesome paper animation story by Mandy Smith inspired by her move in Amsterdam!! Stunning!!
c60 Redux
From the creators of The Future of the Book Ideo, comes another futuristic concept the c60 music player that brings physicality back to the experience of listening to music!!