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Rules of Engagement | Old Spice Mano a Mano
This is soooo good! Brianne Bowers illustrated take on the famous Dylan song. Enjoy. =)
Yet another incredible video by Alex Itin!Drawn on the pages of Ulysees, with James Joyce reading from from Finnegans Wake! Superb just that!

Silvino González Morales wonderful experiments with anthotype!An Anthotype is an image created using photosensitive material from plants! This process was originally invented by Sir John Herschel in 1842. An emulsion is made from crushed flower petals or any other light-sensitive plant, fruit or vegetable. A coated sheet of paper is then dried, exposed to direct full sun-light until the image is bleached out! Go get inspired here

via freestyleinteractive and visuallooop

Well the wait is over! Apparently now old spice ask us to choose sides by liking, sharing, commenting, tweeting, posting and all of the other things that smart Internet people do ( or the people that have some time to spend on-line with nothing better to do) . All of these things will be tallied to choose a winner (Like we really care) . May the best Old Spice Guy win. Is it only me that I think that I have better things to do with my life than tweeting about these two which I don’t really think that they are so funny anymore for a brand that I will never ever buy or use?? Oups I just did 🙂 oh the power of advertising brainwashing at its best!!

“Computer games don’t affect kids; I mean, if Pac-Man had affected us as kids, we’d all be running around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music.” – Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc.1989** This is just superb in so many levels!
Directed by Fabio Palmier, power by NotWorkingFilms

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