A stunning urban archaeology expedition into the abandoned Splash Down Dunes in NW Indiana. See also this video showcasing the park in action only a few years ago! The lovely song you hear is Last Rites by Caspian! Created by Mike Eisenberg
Archive for
Where is everybody going?
An interesting loop ( if loops is your thing) by Graham Young
Watered Down
A stunning urban archaeology expedition into the abandoned Splash Down Dunes in NW Indiana. See also this video showcasing the park in action only a few years ago! The lovely song you hear is Last Rites by Caspian! Created by Mike Eisenberg
Where is everybody going?
An interesting loop ( if loops is your thing) by Graham Young
To The Victor — The Spoils!
The Victor — The Spoils is a short film directed by Timothy Bricknell for Flashman ! Flashman is a collaborative musical project initiated by Fred Deakin (Lemon Jelly) and Robin Jones (The Beta Band).The group’s debut album To the Victor – the Spoils! features mostly instrumental tracks, constructed from live performances recorded with guest performers, including jazz piano legend Brian Kellock, clarinetist Wally Fawkes, and trumpet extremist Andy Diagram! Great stuff!!
Michael Myers
Star wars and comic book heroes pixel posters! Yet another awesome project by Michael Myers
Agile planning
A presentation given at LHBS Vienna by Neil Perkin on the subject of Agile Communications Planning, as part of their series of ’Uncomfortable Talks’