8848 is a short animated CG movie that Greg Jennings co-directed with Maelys Faget and Kevin Franczuk while studying at Supinfocom Valenciennes.
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Take Your Medicine
Official music video for Transfer! Directed by Nader Husseini!! Great stuff
8848 is a short animated CG movie that Greg Jennings co-directed with Maelys Faget and Kevin Franczuk while studying at Supinfocom Valenciennes.
Frozen Ghost Vodka
Count Souvenirs
This is from a few years back! A fan made video for the song Count Souvenirs by Junior Boys!Enjoy
We can make the world stop
New music video by The Glitch mob! Directed by Dugan O’ Neal! Lovely noise! Taken from the new EP ‘We Can Make The World Stop’