A short animated film by Szabó Máté for the celebration Franz Liszt‘s 200th birthday
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A man hears a story about a hitchhiker from the other side of the internet. A BAFTA awarded gay themed animation by Pachinko Pictures from a few years back!
Wait For My Raccoon
Very cool music video by the hundreds, directed by Ellen Stein
Dan Matutina
Superb illustrations all the way from Manila and Dan Matutina’s online portfolio
Hungarian Rhapsody 2.00
A short animated film by Szabó Máté for the celebration Franz Liszt’s 200th birthday
A man hears a story about a hitchhiker from the other side of the internet. A BAFTA awarded gay themed animation by Pachinko Pictures from a few years back!
The Man with the Beautiful Eyes
A gang of kids find a strange house with an overgrown garden where they play. Only once do they meet the man who lives there, a dead-beat alcoholic with a free and easy spirit who welcomes them. A collaboration between Animator Jonathan Hodgson and Illustrator Jonny Hannah! Great stuff