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Great track from “PORTALS Mixtape #3:! Chrome Sparks (Feat. Steffaloo)! Video made entirely from various commercials from the 1980’s (hence the slow motion shots of jeans and people chewing gum). Created by David Dean Burkhart! What a cool way to recycle all the advertising junk
Google‘s latest advertising initiative “Project Re: Brief,” tracks down some of the original Mad Men (and one Mad Woman) to reimagine their classic ads for a modern audience. Very very cool . More info about this here . Via mashable

via breath in smoke

via pinterest

hahahhah 🙂  images via heroin and tallistreasures

You have probably seen this already!It remained as a draft post for ages..still very interesting to watch! Kevin Allocca is YouTube’s trends manager, and he has deep thoughts about silly web video. In this talk from TEDYouth, he shares the 4 reasons a video goes viral.

Music video for Electric Guest “This Head I Hold”! Directed by Aaron Hymes! What an interesting sound these guys have!

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