A short film exploring the changes in fan culture in the digital age – the shift in power – and the growing importance of fans.
Featuring expert opinion and insight from academics, marketeers and the fans themselves, this documentary looks at how a brand can identify their fans and, more importantly, harness their passion. Created by Amplify. A big thanks to Vanessa for bringing this to my attention
Archive for
It’s all relative.
via thisisindexed
The Biophilia Effect
The biophilia effect states that environments rich in views and imagery of nature can reduce stress and increase focus and concentration. Created by Ben Symonds! Song by Tom Vek – I ain’t saying my goodbyes
Minimalist Superhero Posters
Some more superhero minimal posters to put with the rest of the pile! Created by Calvin Lin . Via buzzfeed
A brilliant, addictive track by GHOST LOFT! A big thanks to @jimmy_morris for bringing this to my attention
Just a clue!
From co-creation to collaboration
.Co-creation is a hot topic these days. Involving customers in the decision flow of a brand/company is one of the cool, new ways of doing marketing. Some succeed in intergrating the voice of the customer in ALL their decision flows. This paper by Steven Van Belleghem describes the different steps to evolve from a one time co-creation project to structural collaboration. A big thanks to Matthijs for dropping this one over