Set in 1959, a black hole appears over Manhattan and during these last few moments of the apocalypse; a homeless doomsday enthusiast learns that it is never too late for redemption. This is the first animated short film created by Mark Szumski and Gina Niespodziani aka Hey Beautiful Jerk.
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Choreographer Mor Shani is working on “Love-ism”. Love-ism is a long term study inspired by the book “Art of Loving” by Erich Fromm. In this study Shani wishes to challenge the perception and liquidity of the agreed upon, the sublime and the condemned. He asks: “when do supreme ideas about love like care, mutuality and dependency stop being sacred and become sinful? And what is it that distinguishes one kind of love from another?” Video artist, Paul Sixta expands the conceptual grounds of Love-ism in close collaboration with Shani. The amazing music you hear is by Scott Matthew
11 untranslatable words from the other cultures
via dailyinfographic
What If You Stopped Going Outside?
No more staying indoors
via outcomethesun
Image of the day
created by david shrigley, via eet me
meanwhile @ work
Day 3 after summer vacations, via visual poetry