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A cute little animation from Adam Howling and Henning M. Lederer based on an illustration of the same title by Adam Howling

A big thanks to Scott for dropping this one over, via igmur

Skate, Snow, Surf…..The Ride. the latest installment from eclectic method

Music video for Lazy Ass from the Brooms album Fuzzy Waters. Directed by Greg Condon

For an intensely ironic experience, watch this on your phone. Created by Rhett & Link

Josh Reich hated his bank. He was tired of overdraft fees and being treated like a number. So he made his own.
Starting in a basement in Brooklyn and eventually growing to a full-fledged an office in Portland, Oregon, Simple is now a fast-growing startup aiming to replace our modern notion of the bank with a focus on design and user experience. In this talk, Reich walks us through Simple’s ever-evolving “human oriented” design process that forgoes a design department. Instead, every employee is given the agency to create.

via sigh-ohna.

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