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A tiny story about people living on the soft cloud. A look at their daily life, in the morning, they listen to the bell and begin to go down the sky. By 辻直之 Naoyuki Tsuji

by Páraic Mc Gloughlin

Bodies In Motion

by Todd Brache

Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a set of futurist films by Universal Everything. It forms part of the studio’s Hype Cycle series, which explores human-machine collaboration through performance and emerging technologies. With Machine Learning, Universal Everything poses the question: when will machines achieve human agility? check more videos below

Bioturbation – Worms at Work

Bioturbation is the mixing of (plant) residues into soils and sediments by biotic activity. It is one of the fundamental processes in ecology, as it stimulates decomposition, creates habitats for other (micro)fauna and increases gas- and water flow through the soil.

This time lapse movie shows bioturbation by 3 earthworms species. By

Wim van Egmond

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MR. FANTASTIC (Les Yeux Sans Visage)

In this 3D animated ‘music video’, motion capture is used to give awkward life to singing, dancing, simulated bodies.

The Big City

Meet your single-celled neighbours – a microbial tour of a metropolis. Directed by Evan Luchkow.

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