
Archive for

Frozen soap bubbles


The Rehabilitation of Sleep

by Josh Shaffne

Hummingbird Reflected

by Kendra Fleischman

Soft Plots

Soft Plots portrays a conception of urban living that is both group-oriented and discontinuous. In many ways, we live big cities like we live small towns—except that our community is scattered across a dense network of other communities and other storied lives of which we only catch a glimpse. Soft Plots is a mental map of meaningful locations and (richly-inhabited) voids in between. By Yuge Zhou

things my therapist told me

Heidi Grant How to ask for help — and get a “yes”

Asking for help is tough. But to get through life, you have to do it all the time.

CNN – Life After a Mass Shooting

Patience Carter talks about the grief, guilt and cyberbullying she experienced after surviving the Pulse nightclub shooting in 2016. By CNN Motion

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