
Posts tagged social media

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via kissmetric & socialmediagraphics

Another brilliant blog you should check out is this one! Various anonymous facebook statuses republished & redesigned and then illustrated by Jess Neil ! Way cool

Have you ever dream of a mix between augmented reality and dating ?Go For It is a fake mobile application who brings back dating in real life. This video is a project made by two students in three days. Very impressive ! Via lenkendall

A cool little app from intel that lets you visualize your Facebook network. For more info visit

Adam when he is bored, browses through his friends’ Facebook images, choose his favorites, and then draws them. The result as you can see is awesome! Go check his work here

Big Think asked Pinsky to read his poem “The City,” then translate it into a tweet.

Ok Heineken lately has been inventing loads of stuff but actually this is just a student project! The idea a social media connected bottle opener that invites your friends over for a beer. Whoever has the most friends attending, gets a free case of Heineken. CW/Concept Max Arlestig AD/Concept: Maximilian Gebhardt!

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