
British Fashion Awards ~ 25 Dresses Film STROBE from Silent Studios | Resonate on Vimeo.

This is the dramatic finale of the British Fashion Awards, directed by Mark Jenkinson from Superglue! The holographic projection was done by Musion and the song you hear is ‘What Now?’ by Alex Metric! Quite spectacular don’t you think?

The Ballad of the Janitor from Josh Reichlin on Vimeo.

Fake slow motion at its best! The song you hear is by Casey Meehan “Silverfish”

An impressive animated 40 second trailer for the BBC’s coverage of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, directed by Marc Craste of Studio AKA! This is the second animated advert featured in this blog by the BBC! Maybe they are on to something!

Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop from Keiichi Matsuda on Vimeo.

This is the awesome Keiichi’s thesis project for his final year Masters in Architecture! According to Keiichi “augmented reality may recontextualise the functions of consumerism and architecture, and change in the way in which we operate within it”! I could not agree more!

Hungry Hungry Eat Head from Bren O'Callaghan on Vimeo.

What a lovely way to make people interact with your “brand”! This is “a site-specific play experience by Hudson-Powell & Joel Gethin Lewis for the Big Screen Edinburgh, produced by Bren O’Callaghan” More info about this here

Do you remember The Most Useless Machine EVER? Well now the Useless Machine has a Lego prototype! Its completely useless and and its made out of Lego parts 🙂

via beginbeing

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