
Probably fake but still lovely work from Sony

reflection+ from Magico Nakamura on Vimeo.

Crazy beutiful and mind blowing

A collaborative animation by Blu and David Ellis brilliant as always


This is hilarious 2 Hidden Cameras, a bunch of Kids , 1 Marshmallow each,makes “The-Marshmallow-Test” priceless to watch! A very good illustration of temptation and how the hope of future rewards works

Dead All Along || Ceri Frost from Giles Timms on Vimeo.

This is just lovely performed by Ceri Frost,! Film by Giles Timms,
You know how much I like  Santigold’s music , and this song just grew on me lately

Cinnamon Chasers – Luv Deluxe (Official Music Video) from Saman Keshavarz on Vimeo.

Great song, very cool shoot.

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