
Over at Trendhunter there is great post on an number of  race-related issues! It seems that race even now in 2009  continues to be a hot topic of discussion.  The ad below depicts Senators Barack Obama  as white  and John McCain as an African American! It was aired during the US election season , while its tagline reads  “Let the issues be the issue”! If you find this controvercial you going to love  the rest! Check them out here

Over at Trendhunter there is great post on an number of  race-related issues! It seems that race even now in 2009  continues to be a hot topic of discussion.  The ad below depicts Senators Barack Obama  as white  and John McCain as an African American! It was aired during the US election season , while its tagline reads  “Let the issues be the issue”! If you find this controvercial you going to love  the rest! Check them out here

25 Controversial Looks at Race was originally published on The Curious Brain

Unofficial fan made video for the song Raquel by Neon Neon, from their album Stainless Style!

Cool photo manipulation by Jaime Martinez via share some candy

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