
Search results for so small

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The Art of change – Climate Change

An alternative reality scenario where a group of animals has become organised and are committed to make themselves heard by humans, guerrilla style. A short film created for The Barbican’s ‘The Art of Change’ in response to the theme Climate Change in collaboration with The Smalls.

Our Crappy Town

In 1986, Andy London had a small, forgettable role in the Glen Cove High School production of Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town”. But what happened when the curtains closed…is the stuff of legend.From London Squared

Under The Small Sun

from Tal Kantor & Shahar Davis


In memory of all those who have lost their lives and their names on March, 11th 2011. from SMALL CREATIVE UNIT

Anil Dash, co-founder of ThinkUp, explained how even the smallest details of our work shape not only our businesses, but the culture around us. This presents us with a unique opportunity, as he said, “When we say ‘somebody ought to do something,’ here’s a chance for us to show our values.”

Anil Dash: Share Your Values & You’ll Share Success

Anil Dash, co-founder of ThinkUp, explained how even the smallest details of our work shape not only our businesses, but the culture around us.

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