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Water is spilled on a stone pavement leaving a small stain. As time passes the stain dries up, shrinks and changes shape. Just before the water is completely evaporated the process is put on hold. The new shape of the stain is then being enlarged and recreated with new water. This process repeats and with these interventions the ‘life’ of the stain is artificially refreshed and extended to an unnatural length. Which allows new shapes to evolve that otherwise could never have existed.    Created  by  Johan Rijpma, Mark IJzerman and Umeu Bartelds

Classical sculptures that defy logic. Paper master Li Hongbo stretches your imagination with a twisted take on traditional sculpting





The art of Antoine Cordet! Go get inspired here

Antoine Cordet was originally published on The Curious Brain

15 min of starlings congregating… gets good around 6 min by Dennis Hlynsky! Make also sure that you check also black vultures below

High speed video recording at various central train station! An art project by Adam Magyar!

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