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Rafter “Juicy” Music Video By Dax Norman from dax norman on Vimeo.

This crazy but wonderful animated music video was directed by Dax Norman for the Rafter! What a lovely song this is …Lovely stuff 🙂

TETRIS CF #1 from WooDUS on Vimeo.

An animated commercial for Tetris designed by Woodus! Quite cool 🙂

Rafter “Juicy” Music Video By Dax Norman from dax norman on Vimeo.

This crazy but wonderful animated music video was directed by Dax Norman for the Rafter! What a lovely song this is …Lovely stuff :-)

Juicy was originally published on The Curious Brain

Moderat “Rusty Nails” from Pfadfinderei on Vimeo.

“Rusty Nails” is taken from the Deluxe Album Version of Moderat! An amazing production for a very cool song! Moderat is a collaboration of Modeselektor and Apparat and this is their first album together! Enjoy 🙂

Phoenix – 1901 – A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

A mind blowing live clip for Phoenix produced by Chryde for la Blogotheque and filmed by Vincent Moon! Make sure you also watch their lovely video for the same song below

1901 collaboration video

PHOENIX | MySpace Music Videos

Scott Kim the famous puzzle designer takes us inside the puzzle-maker’s frame of mind! A very interesting and very informative presentation!

Fleet Foxes – A Take Away Show from La Blogotheque on Vimeo.

Music video by the Fleet Foxes, it dates a year back but it is soooooo brilliant ! It so unique because today you don’t hear often music that is based  so much on vocal harmonies! I think this is what make the Fleet Foxes so cool

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