
Search results for color

chromatic BLaCK ‘ALRIGHT (cos nothing is alright)’ from daniel R mueller on Vimeo.

Press the full screen button and see 4101 pictures in only 4 minutes! This is the mind blowing video of the music band chromatic BLaCK! What a refreshing  sound and style they got!!

Me Want Summer..! from eladbari on Vimeo.

This is what you should do when it’s cloudy and depressing 🙂 Lovely work by eladbari I only wish it was a bit longer!

The Story of Cap & Trade from Story of Stuff Project on Vimeo.

From the people  behind the story of stuff comes the story the Story of Cap & Trade!! A fact-filled look at the leading climate solution being discussed at Copenhagen and on Capitol Hill. If you’ve heard about Cap & Trade, but aren’t sure how it works (or who benefits), this is the film is for you.

Sigg Jones from Asterokid on Vimeo.

This animation is a student project which Asterokid co-directed with Jonathan Vuillemin and Matthieu Bessudo! Things like that keep popping up all over the internet and that makes me wonder! If students can do that, then the ad agencies should work a bit harder just to catch up! The young, the gifted and the talented versus the old creative head that most agencies have!! Hmmmm I wonder who is going to win this 🙂

Sigg Jones from Asterokid on Vimeo.

This animation is a student project which Asterokid co-directed with Jonathan Vuillemin and Matthieu Bessudo! Things like that keep popping up all over the internet and that makes me wonder! If students can do that, then the ad agencies should work a bit harder just to catch up! The young, the gifted and the talented versus the old creative head that most agencies have!! Hmmmm I wonder who is going to win this :-)

Sigg Jones was originally published on The Curious Brain

MvsM / BT Vision Christmas from ManvsMachine on Vimeo.

Main ident from festive branding package for BT Vision. A brilliant animated execution by the ManvsMachine

The First Days of Spring – A Film By Noah And The Whale from charlie fink on Vimeo.

This is a genial film by Noah And The Whale that will blow you away! Both the sounds and the images are breathtaking! If have around 40 minutes  to spend   you must definitely watch this

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