
Search results for color

A very interesting graphic design project by Jonathan Puckey! Tool assisted Delaunay image vectorization using Scriptographer and Color Averaging by Jürg Lehni! A big thanks to B# for bringing this to my attension

Video by Jónsi and Alex( Sigur Rós)! The song is track #6 from the Riceboy Sleeps album, released July 20th 2009. Stunning or what?

Psychologist Philip Zimbardo asks, “Why are boys struggling?” He shares some stats (lower graduation rates, greater worries about intimacy and relationships) and suggests a few reasons — and he asks for your help! Watch his talk, then take his short 10-question survey:

Many of us have a social media presence — a virtual personality made up of status updates, tweets and connections, stored in the cloud. Adam Ostrow asks a big question: What happens to that personality after you’ve died? Could it … live on?

Khanna predicts that in the future, the real superpowers aren’t going to be countries. Instead, we’ll see the emergence of an entirely new structure: alliances comprised of universities, companies, non-profits, humanitarian agencies, sub-state units like city governments, and churches, all united around a common interest or vision.

Ron Gutman reviews a raft of studies about smiling, and reveals some surprising results. Did you know your smile can be a predictor of how long you’ll live — and that a simple smile has a measurable effect on your overall well-being creates fun infographics out of your Twitter profile! Way way cool! Actually I saw this first on Mr Litman’s blog and I got jealous so I had to create one for me 🙂

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