
Search results for slow motion

The Decelerator Helmet is a experimental approach for dealing with our fast moving society. The sense of vision is consigned to an apparatus which allows the user a perception of the world in slow motion. The inside of the helmet the video-signal of a camera is processed by a small computer. The slowed-down images are displayed right before the user’s eyes via a head-mounted display and are simultaneously shown on a monitor on the outside. The helmet has three different modes which can be selected by a remote control

Everything looks cool in slow motion! Video by by FCTN

Not as fun as birds from pleix but still very very cute to watch! Shot with a Phantom HD Gold at 1000fps, created by Beneful! If you love dogs there is always the famous pedigree commercial that you can watch again ๐Ÿ™‚
Not as fun as birds from pleix but still very very cute to watch! Shot with a Phantom HD Gold at 1000fps, created by Beneful! If you love dogs there is always the famous pedigree commercial that you can watch again ๐Ÿ™‚

Just hypnotizing! Via gizmodo

Just hypnotizing! Via gizmodo

As you probably already know ….I am slow motion junky ๐Ÿ™‚ Created by David HJ. Lindberg

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