
Search results for time lapse

just phenomenal! Constructed from over 2000 photos and sing hyperlapse, timelapse and a simple horizontal mirror. Created by Rick Mereki

Bioturbation is the mixing of (plant) residues into soils and sediments by biotic activity. It is one of the fundamental processes in ecology, as it stimulates decomposition, creates habitats for other (micro)fauna and increases gas- and water flow through the soil.

This time lapse movie shows bioturbation by 3 earthworms species. By

Wim van Egmond

Bioturbation – Worms at Work

Bioturbation is the mixing of (plant) residues into soils and sediments by biotic activity. It is one of the fundamental processes in ecology, as it stimulates decomposition, creates habitats for other (micro)fauna and increases gas- and water flow through the soil.

This time lapse movie shows bioturbation by 3 earthworms species. By

Wim van Egmond

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Everest – A Time Lapse Film – II

by Elia Saikaly Follow

This is stunning.Slow” marine animals show their secret life under high magnification. Corals and sponges are very mobile creatures, but their motion is only detectable at different time scales compared to ours and requires time lapses to be seen. These animals build coral reefs and play crucial roles in the biosphere, yet we know almost nothing about their daily lives. Created by Daniel Stoupin

This is stunning.Slow” marine animals show their secret life under high magnification. Corals and sponges are very mobile creatures, but their motion is only detectable at different time scales compared to ours and requires time lapses to be seen. These animals build coral reefs and play crucial roles in the biosphere, yet we know almost nothing about their daily lives. Created by Daniel Stoupin

Slow Life was originally published on The Curious Brain

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