
Archive for

via when-we-were-still-surrealists

we just weren’t made for these times was originally published on The Curious Brain

via jthenr-comics-vault

Catches thieves, just like flies was originally published on The Curious Brain

Screen Shot 2014-05-31 at 8.05.15 PM

by designcrush

Image of the day was originally published on The Curious Brain

via tomfishburne

don’t worry was originally published on The Curious Brain

Over the course of human history, thousands of languages have developed from what was once a much smaller number. How did we end up with so many? And how do we keep track of them all? Alex Gendler explains how linguists group languages into language families, demonstrating how these linguistic trees give us crucial insights into the pas

via sterlingcoopergifs

meanwhile @ work was originally published on The Curious Brain

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