
Search results for Ray Ban

This is wonderful .. Deluxe Flamingos directed by James Okubo! Even this band’s name is cool what is not to like?

The latest instalment in the Ray Ban never hide films ! This one simply features a guy that runs through 5 subway cars before the train exits the station. In my humble view not as cool as the ones before! Via advertblog

Guy’s body charged with static electricity powers a ridiculous light show. Another brilliant never hide film by Ray Ban

Another impressive never hide film from Ray Ban! I don’t  know whether this is real or not but these guys  know for sure how to make a  winning viral  ad  and  how to get attention and free publicity for their brand! Well done to them ! Make sure you also  check the behind the scenes photos here and also read this article by the daily mail

A dazziling shirt to make people look at you twice ! via

Soft Plots portrays a conception of urban living that is both group-oriented and discontinuous. In many ways, we live big cities like we live small towns—except that our community is scattered across a dense network of other communities and other storied lives of which we only catch a glimpse. Soft Plots is a mental map of meaningful locations and (richly-inhabited) voids in between. By Yuge Zhou

Soft Plots

Soft Plots portrays a conception of urban living that is both group-oriented and discontinuous. In many ways, we live big cities like we live small towns—except that our community is scattered across a dense network of other communities and other storied lives of which we only catch a glimpse. Soft Plots is a mental map of meaningful locations and (richly-inhabited) voids in between. By Yuge Zhou

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