
Posts from the ambient Category

Clever use of QR codes in advertising by a student Viktor Angwald! Via adsoftheworld

A lovely way to make people interact with your brand is through fun and games! Well done Miller! Created by NERDWORKING

Very cool !

The famous Axe campaign Even Angels Will Fall comes alive in London Victorita

For the PRE-SAFE® precrash system from Mercedes-Benz made a chaotic traffic intersections safer. Everybody was able to look around the corners into the streets as if the walls were transparent, and could therefore detect potential hazards in time to avoid them. Way cool ! Via the digital buzz

Legs Media and Mother NY live fashion show! Backed by the score of a 30 piece orchestra, we turned 155 rooms with 66 dancers inside into giant animated pixels, bringing a 20 minute live experience to the streets. Target even distributed 1,500 binoculars and had the music available on a toll-free number for those not close enough to hear. Familiar faces were in attendance to experience the truly extraordinary display

To say “thank you” to our Facebook fans for getting us to one million “likes”, Heineken sent a team of Heineken Huggers out to the streets of Amsterdam, to give back some of the love! Mixing the on-line and off-line world is always fun !A big thanks to Alex for dropping this one in 🙂

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