
Posts from the trends Category

JWT: The Future of Payments & Currency (October 2014) from JWTIntelligence

The payments and currency systems are on the verge of disruption. Payments are getting digitized and going mobile, wearable and biometric, while the rise of cryptocurrencies is prompting new ideas about what currency can be. Millennials, not wedded to the status quo when it comes to money, will drive this shift. This report takes a look at the myriad new ways to pay and how the concept of currency is evolving to encompass everything from bitcoin to social media shares.'s 10 LATIN TRENDS FOR 2015 from

Another one from

A-Z Culture Glossary of 2015: The Trends You Need to Know to be Relevant from sparks & honey

this one is from sparks & honey! Happy reading's 10 ASIAN TRENDS FOR 2015 from

Always interesting thoughts by trendwatching

Mobile Trends for Destination Marketing, 2015 from Tine Thygesen

What’s are the key changes we can expect from the technological landscape, that will have great effect on travel marketing. Interesting thoughts by Tine Thygesen's 10 TRENDS FOR 2015 from

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The DNA Project The first-of-its-kind interactive album created in real-time by Grammy-nominated music innovator, j.viewz.

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