An overview by Bernard Moon of general technology and startup trends around the world. Snapshots of Silicon Valley, NYC, London, Stockholm, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Beijing and Seoul
An overview by Bernard Moon of general technology and startup trends around the world. Snapshots of Silicon Valley, NYC, London, Stockholm, Berlin, Tel Aviv, Beijing and Seoul
The Future of Wearable Tech report is a collaboration of PSFk with iQ by intel identifies 10 trends and three major themes that point to the evolving form and function of wearable devices and their influence on the way we live, work and socialize. Unfortunately this is only the summary report 🙁
wearable technology concept for safe bike rides by Nour Chamoun
from trend
Everyone’s talking about the “Internet of Things,” but what exactly does that mean for our future? In this thoughtful talk, economist Marco Annunziata looks at how technology is transforming the industrial sector, creating machines that can see, feel, sense and react — so they can be operated far more efficiently. Think: airplane parts that send an alert when they need to be serviced, or wind turbines that communicate with one another to generate more electricity. It’s a future with exciting implications for us all.
The 2013 Most Contagious report has been released download it from here
The social machine out of cardboard creates a humorous interactive experience. It’s an analogue portrait machine with a photo booth principle. The backend of Face-o-mat is covered with reference images to create a facelift. Through the facelift, one can be drawn as an animal hybrid or one can choose to simply get a really nice portrait.
This video shows a summery of Face-o-mat’s tour during Stockholm’s guerrilla design week 2013, which was organized through the platform