
Posts from the videos Category

by Eran Mendel

In times like these, simple and small things matter the most. Details we’ve never noticed before gain more importance and different meaning: the smell of a nice brewed coffee, an eerie yet soothing silence… Comforting sunbeams squeezing in through the corner of a bathroom window. It’s a time of connection with ourselves, our feelings and emotions. And the warmth of the sun, more precious than ever now, comes to hug us as would our distant but dear family and friends.

Produced by STINK FILMS , directed by The Fridman Sisters (Irmãs Fridman)

A day in the life of Tanya, a curious woman who has developed a taste for lab made lovers.

Directed by Sophie Koko Gate

We are unnecessarily scared of being on our own because we fail to keep in mind the distinction between solitude (a fine condition) and loneliness (a pain). We need to recover a sense of the good sides of being by ourselves – in order to be able to make the right choices around friendship and love.

SYMBIOSIS is the largest experimental collective art project in which sound has become the fundamental basis for the creation of the video.

A wonderful film by Elizabeth Hobbs.

Nevada is a digital collage created under the premise that all its elements are free-to-use 3D models and animations. Directed by Guillermo Daldovo

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