Skyence – INSCT from Johannes Timpernagel on Vimeo.
A wonderful collaboration Collaboration between Skyence and Johannes Timpernagel (Berlin). More info about this here
Skyence – INSCT from Johannes Timpernagel on Vimeo.
A wonderful collaboration Collaboration between Skyence and Johannes Timpernagel (Berlin). More info about this here
Jeb Corliss wing-suit demo from Jeb Corliss on Vimeo.
Spectacular…completely bad ass
LIVE [NIKE] from SomeofmyWork™ on Vimeo.
This is the end result of a Nike sponsored arts based project! Nike supplied individuals with a pair of Nike trainers and asked the people to create a piece that ‘challenged the function of the shoes, using sport as an inspiration’. This is Jim Campbell work and he has done a magnificent job! He filmed shoes in multiple locations and scenarios, across Europe through the summer, including Manchester, London, Paris, Nice, Genova, Milan, Zurich, Frankfurt, Brussels, Edinburgh and Nairn!
Fartsquare from Fartsquare on Vimeo.
Because we all over share! Keep your friends and followers constantly updated by sharing that you farted, how smelly/loud/wet it was and where it was
TODOR & PETRU from CRCR on Vimeo.
This animation rocks!! I only wish I could tell you more about it but its all French for me 🙁
Vattenfall – Neighbor Dining from Luong Lu on Vimeo.
An awesome concept by Vattenfall & Luong Lu! Its a fact that today, more and more people live alone and according to a late study, loneliness is a bigger health threat than alcoholism, obesity and smoking. What if we could fight it with something so simple like eating, and at the same time, save energy? Simply genial! More info about this here