I just came across to this fascinating article by fastcompany about Future Shock!This movie came out in 1972 and features Orson Welles as the narrator who states. “Our modern technologies have changed the degree of sophistication beyond our wildest dreams. But this technology has exacted a pretty heavy price. We live in an age of anxiety and time of stress. And with all our sophistication, we are in fact the victims of our own technological strengths –- we are the victims of shock… a future shock.” Very very interesting make sure that you check it out .
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Creature Combat IV: Slaughter House
This is the funniest thing I have seen all day 🙂 More info about it and credits here
Dragonfly Love
Dragonfly Love – The Film from The Dragonfly Love Project on Vimeo.
Director Thomas Hilland was asked to test drive the Nokia N8, and make a film that made the most of the smartphone’s impressive HD camera! This is the result! Make sure that you also check the making of video below
Making of Dragonfly Love from The Dragonfly Love Project on Vimeo.
I Carry Your Heart In Mine
Heath Ledger reads E.E.Cummings in the movie Candy!! Just beautiful! A big thanks to Stella for bringing this to my attention
Hambuster – 1min30 Sequence from Hambuster Team on Vimeo.
Hambuster is a graduation movie co-directed by five students from Supinfocom Arles. This is only a trailer and I cant wait for the final short movie to come out! More info about it here
Kill Your Co-Workers
Flying Lotus – Kill Your Co-Workers from beeple on Vimeo.
The Flying Lotus, directed by beeple!Freaking awesome and yes I find the title of the song totally inspiring 🙂
INDIANS from Louise Cailliez on Vimeo.
A wonderful, sweet animation by Louise Cailliez