Motion Typography: Rocky Balboa Inspirational Speech from Kyle Kargov on Vimeo.
Motion typography by Kyle Kargov based on Rocky Balboa’s advice to his son! Way cool 🙂
Motion Typography: Rocky Balboa Inspirational Speech from Kyle Kargov on Vimeo.
Motion typography by Kyle Kargov based on Rocky Balboa’s advice to his son! Way cool 🙂
Sophocles once said, “nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a curse,” and this couldn’t be more true of technology. This video has been shortlisted for YouTube Play! Written by Tiffany Shlain & Ken Goldberg and narrated by Peter Coyote! Wow just wow!!
Thrush from Gabriel Bisset-Smith on Vimeo.
An entire relationship told through photos in four minutes.Directed by Gabriel Bisset-Smith and Graham Turner! Currently a vimeo awards finalist
Locus from Masaki Yokochi on Vimeo.
If you are into motion graphics you will definitely fall in love with this magnificent experimental film by Masaki Yokochi ! Just incredible!
The Future of the Book. from IDEO on Vimeo.
A glimpse of how books might look in the future by ideo
The End of the World from Andy Wynn on Vimeo.
Yeap the end is near!! An awesome trailer by Andy Wynn
Just amazing! Created By Everyone Forever Now ! Currently a finalist in the YouTube Play Biennial of Creative Video Awards