Spheremetrical (Here With You) from impactist on Vimeo.
A lovely promo for the track “Here With You” from the impactist!! Way way cool! All content and audio created by Kelly Meador & Daniel Elwing.
Spheremetrical (Here With You) from impactist on Vimeo.
A lovely promo for the track “Here With You” from the impactist!! Way way cool! All content and audio created by Kelly Meador & Daniel Elwing.
Michael Jackson in Tapetrick from Johannes LDC Guerreiro on Vimeo.
This is way cool!!! I only wish I could tell you more than a fantastic tribute to MJ by Johannes LDC Guerreiro!!
OCCUPATION: Movements II & III (Syscape#4) from Eric Schockmel on Vimeo.
An incredible 3D animated short by Eric Schockmel that deals with deals with an ecological narrative, visually reminiscent of video game design and science-fiction.!!!
WHAT MAKES YOUR DAY? from Napatsawan Chirayukool on Vimeo.
Collections of little happiness from different people in different places by Napatsawan Chirayukool!!! Lovely 🙂
My First Crush from Julia Pott on Vimeo.
A wonderful and insightful animation by Julia Pott that is using actual interviews of people who talk about their first encounters with love! Great stuff
Between Bears from Eran Hilleli on Vimeo.
Eran Hilleli graduation film is a visual poetry just stunning!! Original music composed by Ori Avni
McDonald’s Commercial from Kyle Reiter on Vimeo.
McDonald’s Commercial from Kyle Reiter on Vimeo.
McDonald’s Commercial from Kyle Reiter on Vimeo.
Lovely spoof ads by Kyle Reiter, Justin Roiland and Kelsy Abbot! Enjoy