Guys and girls this is a piece of film history and it looks still stunning! A sample of some of the earliest color motion picture film you will see from Kodak! See Kodak you don’t need advertising when you have things like that in your database 🙂
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AN EYE FOR AN EYE from valeria fonseca on Vimeo.
“An eye for an eye will quickly leave the whole World blind”. By Gandhi. This lovely animation by valeria fonseca glimpses into a timeline of events that have unfolded since the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City.
A beautiful , moving short film by Everynone!! Great stuff
True Blood in 60 Seconds
JOY OF DESTRUCTION from Xaver Xylophon on Vimeo.
A film by Xaver Xylophon & Laura Junger about the human drive to destroy and the absurd entertaining value that’s attached to it.
Canon 7D vs. Barbie Video Girl
Canon 7D vs. Barbie Video Girl from Brandon Bloch on Vimeo.
A funny comparison of the $1,800 Canon 7D versus the brand new $50 Barbie Video Girl! I think that the barbie video girl ruled this video! It definitely made me to want to buy one for my niece 🙂
Insert Coin
Insert Coin from vurup on Vimeo.
A cool animation by vurup