train…train from Baptiste Sola on Vimeo.
A wonderful little animation with very interesting character design by Baptiste Sola
train…train from Baptiste Sola on Vimeo.
A wonderful little animation with very interesting character design by Baptiste Sola
Big Apple Fornicators from Dan Meth on Vimeo.
Another wonderful animation by Dan Meth this one takes “Sex in the City” into a strange new dimension 🙂
Coalition Of The Willing from coalitionfilm on Vimeo.
‘Coalition of the Willing’ is a collaborative animated film and web-based event about an online war against global warming in a ‘post Copenhagen’ world.Directed and produced by Knife Party, written by Tim Rayner and crafted by a network of 24 artists from around the world using varied and eclectic film making techniques.
Stanley Kubrick Bloopers from Dan Meth on Vimeo.
An awesome little animation by Dan Meth! Enjoy 🙂
The Well from Alexander Kargaltsev on Vimeo.
Stunning, strange and beautiful at the same time by Alexander Kargaltsev
‘I am Beautiful’ by Joshua & Nathan Flynn from Joshua Flynn on Vimeo.
The beautiful and quite funny work of Joshua & Nathan Flynn. 🙂
OFFF Paris 2010 Sponsors Titles from OFFF on Vimeo.
The OFFF Paris 2010 Sponsors Titles directed by Julien Vallée. Incredible or what?