The Subway Time from Dongzhen.Li on Vimeo.
Incredible animated work bDongzhen.Li o a student of Beijing Film Academy! So beautiful! Make sure that you also check the making of video below!
The Subway Time (Making-of) from Dongzhen.Li on Vimeo.
The Subway Time from Dongzhen.Li on Vimeo.
Incredible animated work bDongzhen.Li o a student of Beijing Film Academy! So beautiful! Make sure that you also check the making of video below!
The Subway Time (Making-of) from Dongzhen.Li on Vimeo.
Time Warp Archery from Tyler Fouche on Vimeo.
Archery filmed by Tyler Fouche on a phantom camera @ 3000 fps! The flames in this look spectacular! Sponsored by Fashion Optics
By Joon Moon, you can play with the shadows lying on the boundary between the real, virtual, and fantasy. Lovely stuff! Sponsored by Fashion Optics
Giant-Army from Benedi yann on Vimeo.
The first episode of an animated series about Giants by Benedi yann! Way cool Sponsored by Fashion Optics
Something Left, Something Taken- Trailer from Tiny Inventions on Vimeo.
A wonderful trailer by Tiny Inventions! Imagine how the final short film would be! I cant wait 🙂 Sponsored by Fashion Optics
Freedom From Porn from Freedom From Porn on Vimeo.
“Dear Steve,
You don’t want people looking at vaginas on the tablet you named after a feminine hygiene product? Something smells fishy.
Dudes who like porn”
By Freedom from porn ! Song by When I’m Small – Phantogram! Sponsored by Fashion Optics
Magnitka from Sasha Aleksandrov on Vimeo.
A stunning time-lapse by Sasha Aleksandrov! The footage on this is just breathtaking and totally hypnotic! The music you hear is by Klaus Schulze “Totem”! Sponsored by Fashion Optics